We're looking to restart our Research Forum, and we need your help. We're seeking volunteers to serve on our ACRL-LA Research Forum Committee and help plan this summer's virtual forum. The good news for this year is we already have a suggested theme and dates (looking at July currently, possibly around the 26th ). The ACRL-LA president will also be an ex-officio part of this committee to help the newly reconstituted group plan and navigate any formalities and logistics required to pull off the event. We want to try and ease the burden for anyone who volunteers for this role. In addition, ACRL-LA will provide anyone who serves with documentation of your service for tenure and promotion purposes.
If you are interested in participating in this committee, contact me at michaelholt@lsu.edu. In your email, please describe who you are and why you are interested in participating. Please contact me with your interest by the end of the day on March 18th, 2024, to be considered.