We are seeking nominations for Vice President/President-Elect, as Marcus Spann is moving out of state for another position and is unable to complete his term. Thank you, Marcus, for your service to ACRL-LA for the past year!
The ACRL-LA Vice President/President-Elect position is open to any professional librarian in Louisiana who is a member of ACRL. The ACRL requires that each chapter's president and vice president maintain ACRL membership. The Vice President/President-elect:
- will complete the current term of the vice president (November 1, 2021 - August 31, 2022)
- will then serve a two-year term as the Chapter's president, beginning September 1, 2022
- serves as a voting member of the Executive Board (meetings are held virtually)
- shares the responsibility with the current president for coordinating the development of workshops and programs
- conducts meetings in the President's absence
If you are interested in serving as Vice President/President-Elect (or would like to nominate someone else), please fill out this form by Friday, October 15: https://forms.gle/5LaLcBzT9VfWCXeCA.
A special election will begin October 18 and end October 31, 2021.